Maarten and Ivo have many years of experience as a lawyer, adviser, entrepreneur and most of all as a person, and they are convinced that the industry is asking more of the legal profession than what is often offered.
Every firm states that it is an expert, takes a no-nonsense approach and is straightforward. All of that is self-evident to Maarten and Ivo, and does not need to be advertised.
You may put in a good word for us; we do the work. That is what drives Bureau LEX.
You need to be able to rely on us because the mutual relationship is strong. We communicate clearly and directly and are accessible. No ivory tower and no fuss.
Core values
The staff of Bureau LEX assume responsibility for their own actions. Self-reflection is a good basis on which to act or not to act. The same applies to empathy. Empathising with you and your motives, and with what you do or do not want to achieve. Responsibility therefore also means awareness. Our staff know why they do the things they do. You can rely on that.
That is self-evident. Bureau LEX delivers quality. It does so by spending a lot of time and energy on knowledge. The staff make time to continue developing themselves, and consequently stay one step ahead of others.
Bureau LEX does not wait and see, but takes action. You will notice this in the mutual contact. A deal is a deal, which is honoured. We keep our promises and inform you immediately of any developments. Communications run smoothly and efficiently in the way that you require. You may also expect Bureau LEX to take action towards the other party (if action is required of course). Bureau LEX does not beat about the bush and does not shy away from a heavy punch. Bureau LEX is the boss in your case file.